Thursday, August 19, 2010

AFter party

After... dragging 5 suit cases (Amanda's and mine) we got to the restaurant and eat all together for our final dinner..  HAPPINESS


This are the pictures I took at my graduation..... I miss the people in Paris!!!
so sososososooss much...

Time with Loloooo

My friend Laura from school came to Paris, so I took her to my Fav Fefell place in Paris in St.Paul

FRench TiMe

My time in Paris... with my babesssAnd I saw Owen Wilson!! hehee ^^

two different dishesss


Sorry that I haven't posted in a long time.. I'm in Korea right now and I'm interning at a French  Restaurant for 10 hours and going to SAT classes, and also having private tutoring.. So my life is hectic right now..
Anyways this is the duck dish, for duck you want your duck to be RoSe and also you want to pair duck with something sweet so this dish consist of orange sauce with lemon jest