Friday, June 25, 2010


So I thought it would be fun if I actually go over how to make things inside of just posting pictures..
And who doesn't love poached eggs?? right...? You can make this at home so easily! Poached eggs could be used for eggs Benedict or on any breakfast food.
Poaching an Egg which is Eufs Poches in french is a chemical reaction that occurs to cook the white part of the egg without cooking the yolk.

1) Boil Water
2) Pour a lot of White Vinegar
3) On the side prepare Ice Water (so that you can stop the cooking after you take the egg out)
4) After put the stove on medium heat so that the water is shimmering
5) Crack the egg (make sure that you're cracking it right above it so that the form of the egg is not distored)
6) After 3-4 minutes take out the Egg and feel the texture (the white should be firm and the yolk should not be cooked)
7) If that is the condition take out the Egg and put it in the Ice Water gently
8) Give it a couple of minutes to cool down
9) Put the Eggs on Parchment Paper  so that it won't stick
10) With Scissors put out the unnecessary parts so that the Egg is presentable

Then you can put it in the refrigerator and when you need it you can just reheated for 30 sec to 1minute and use it.
However, it should not be in the refrigerator for longer than 2 days cause then the egg might go bad.
Try this at home, it's really easy to do and hopefully you would have great results!!

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